Day 365 of Aunt Jemima being mascotless. When will the madness end?!

Dave Koval
1 min readMar 18, 2021


Pictured: Madness

Who is the new rep?

Who is the new rep?

Who is it now?

This is the question that is on EVERYBODY’s mind. As a nation of syrup consumers we DESERVE ANSWERS. Ever since Aunt Jemima was UNJUSTLY UNSEATED as the QUEEN of malty sugar based batter cake toppings, we have had to sit here in AGONY waiting for another charming face to grace the curveaceous plastic receptacle sitting in every pantry in America.

Oh sure, some nay-sayers might THINK this is no longer a hot button issue, but just wait until they see how many SHARES this article gets. I’ll bet they don’t even KNOW there was a half a billion dollar heist of syrup a couple years ago in Quebec! I’m not 100% sure if that’s relevant but it sure sounds like it is!

So I ask again:

WHO is the new rep?

Who IS the new rep?

Who is it NOW?

Because until it’s resolved, it’s still topical.


some angry open mic’er.

