Why V-Necks Will Up Your Game And Have You Running Snatch In No Time

Dave Koval
2 min readMay 29, 2022


It’s no secret these days: Guys who wear V-Necks are HOT.

And why not? Just look at this guy:

Hot man

Wow. That’s one hot piece of bitch.

Just look at the way the pointed neck line suggests, “Take a look. Down THERE. Towards my PENIS.”

I mean sure it helps if you are an attractive male model but this is BESIDES THE POINT.

You’re young, you’re hip, and you have one goal in life right now: Running SNATCH. Which is TOTALLY an expression people use.

Look, people run a lot of things: Marathons, guns, ideas past other people before they go ahead and click “publish” for the world to see.

But you don’t want those things. You want snatch. And there’s TONS of snatch in the V-Neck Room.

So if you’re thinking about running snatch this holiday season, look no further than here:

Not hot man

Oh what the FUCK, that’s horrible.

